
Bedbugs in laptop premo guard
You might just think Bed Bugs are an issue for mattresses and furniture, but the reality is that bed bugs can be burrowing anywhere, even laptops. But here is what you need to do to stay safe.
protect your dorm from bed bugs and mites
With back to school season coming, its easy to forget the potential risks of moving into a dorm room, bed bugs and dust mites can run rampant in college dorms. Here's what you need to know to protect yourself from an infestation.
Doctor Reveals Must Know Tip For Bed Bug Safety in Hotels
Traveling this summer? Check out this simple but effective doctor recommended tip to stay safe from Bedbugs in hotels,
Bed Bugs in Hotels are A Lot More Common Then You Think, Here’s How To Stay Safe When Traveling
Have travel plans for the summer, but haven't thought about Bed Bugs? You could me making a big mistake, click here to learn a little bit on how to protect yourself from getting caught up in a Bed Bug mess when traveling.
Why insecticides dont kill bed bugs for good
Formulas like Premo Guard use a mix of all natural ingredients that literally dissolve the bed bugs tough outer layer and are guaranteed to get rid of 100% of bed bugs. Unlike insecticides, bed bugs aren't able to form a resistance to formulas like ours and unlike insecticides, natural solutions are completely nontoxic and safe in your home.
Two tips for avoiding bed bugs from an experienced flight attendant
In this video on TikTok, Flight Attendant Marlemglobetrotter shares 2 tips to stay free of having bed bugs attack and hitchhike home with you.
Flight Attendant Bae Lee Hotel Safety Tips (including how to prevent bed bugs)
Lee is a seasoned Flight attendant who spends a great deal of time in hotels all around the world.  She has compiled these great hotel safety tips for you from her experience and shares them here and on her TikTok channel. (we love her channel)
Flight Attendant Val Protects herself from Bed bugs with Premo 3 oz TSA approved Travel Spray
We have gotten many reviews of our bed bug travel spray.  It's a great tool for bed bug travel protection.  Just ask Val on TikTok.  Here she shares her top tips and why she is passionate about protecting herself from bed bugs with Premo Guard Travel Spray.
Flight attendant wisdom on how to protect yourself against bed bugs when traveling
So how do you protect yourself from bed bugs?  Just ask a seasoned flight attendant. 
Leading Veterinarian Has Endorsed Premo Guard Pet Protector Spray (video)
Premo Guard is thrilled to announce that a leading veterinarian has...