Premo Guard User Guides and FAQ's

Thank you for your purchase, we're here to help!

We know this is a trying time for you as you get rid of your bed bug, mite, lice, flea or tick infestation, and we are here to help. Below you will find instructions on how to best us Premo Guard's products.  

If you have any questions, (or need to re-order) please reach out to us at, or call us at 1-800-203-0058

Choose which product you've purchased below

  • Premo Bed Bug Sprays
  • Premo Guard Mite Sprays
  • Premo Laundry Additive
  • Premo Sleep Guard
  • Premo Pet Spray
  • Premo Poultry Spray

Instructions for using Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Spray:

In general, you are going to want to follow these instructions:

Shake the bottle well before each use to mix the product ingredients. It's best to also shake the bottle often to keep the ingredients mixed.

When you spray an area, use a misting spray, not a saturation spray. A mist is going to cover the area better, which has a higher kill rate on adults, larva and eggs.  

Spray everywhere. Premo Guard is safe to use on most surfaces, with a few exceptions. Don't spray directly on people or pets, or on food surfaces. Don't mix Premo Guard with other products. If you are using other pest products, read both labels, and do not spray Premo until the other product has been cleaned off. 

In short, please use common sense when spraying.  

Spray every day until you do not see any more bed bugs and mites or (if invisible) feel any more bites. For best results. even after the bites end, spray a few times a week just to be safe (our most successful customers do this!).

Prioritize the following places for best results (but spray everything)

Treat Bedding - Disassemble bed, and thoroughly vacuum all six sides of box springs, mattress and bed components, Vacuum furniture, carpets and floors. Spray all sides of the bed frame and headboard, all edges and seams of the mattress and box spring, any edge, corner joint, creases, nooks and crannies with Premo Guard. Enclose mattress and box springs in encasements to prevent bed bug entry and exit. Do not remove encasements.

Treat Surrounding Areas -Thoroughly spray the surrounding area including nightstands, chairs and sofas, curtains, baseboards, crown moldings, carpet edges, all cracks and crevices. Premo can be sprayed almost everywhere, except on food surfaces, people and pets.

BONUS: Tips to get the most out of Premo Guard Spray...

Bed Bugs & Mites are very small and often hide during the day. That is why getting rid of them takes time, and thoroughness. Many people believe that all you have to do is spray your bed and bed frame. Not true. 

Follow these additional tips...

Hiding places that you should definitely spray (and continue to spray as our most successful customers do).

- Spray your clothing. Premo Guard is stain free and won’t harm clothing!

- Spray your furniture, couches, carpets, drapes. Again, Premo is safe to use on fabrics as it is stain free. 

- Spray behind “things”. Have pictures on your walls. Spray behind them! Spray behind couches and furniture. Don’t forget the headboard of your bed too! 

In short, spray everywhere you can think of. Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Spray is made to be used often and can (and should) be used daily. It is gentle on fabric and things, yet DEADLY to bed bugs, mites, fleas, ticks and other pests!  

Check out our blog for this article: 5 more hiding places bed bugs and mites hide.

Instructions for using Premo Guard Mite Spray:

In general, you are going to want to follow these instructions:

Shake the bottle well before each use to mix the product ingredients. It's best to also shake the bottle often to keep the ingredients mixed.

When you spray an area, use a misting spray, not a saturation spray. A mist is going to cover the area better, which has a higher kill rate on adults, larva and eggs.  

Spray everywhere. Premo Guard is safe to use on most surfaces, with a few exceptions. Don't spray directly on people or pets, or on food surfaces. Don't mix Premo Guard with other products. If you are using other pest products, read both labels, and do not spray Premo until the other product has been cleaned off. 

In short, please use common sense when spraying.  

Spray every day until you do not see any more mites or (if invisible) feel any more bites. For best results. even after the bites end, spray a few times a week just to be safe (our most successful customers do this!).

Prioritize the following places for best results (but spray everything)

Treat Bedding - Disassemble bed, and thoroughly vacuum all six sides of box springs, mattress and bed components, Vacuum furniture, carpets and floors. Spray all sides of the bed frame and headboard, all edges and seams of the mattress and box spring, any edge, corner joint, creases, nooks and crannies with Premo Guard. Enclose mattress and box springs in encasements to prevent bed bug entry and exit. Do not remove encasements.

Treat Surrounding Areas -Thoroughly spray the surrounding area including nightstands, chairs and sofas, curtains, baseboards, crown moldings, carpet edges, all cracks and crevices. Premo can be sprayed almost everywhere, except on food surfaces, people and pets.

BONUS: Tips to get the most out of Premo Guard Spray...

Mites are very small and often hide during the day. That is why getting rid of them takes time, and thoroughness.  Many people believe that all you have to do is spray your bed and bed frame. Not true. 

Follow these additional tips...

Hiding places that you should definitely spray (and continue to spray as our most successful customers do).

- Spray your clothing. Premo Guard is stain free and won’t harm clothing!

- Spray your furniture, couches, carpets, drapes. Again, Premo is safe to use on fabrics as it is stain free. 

- Spray behind “things”. Have pictures on your walls. Spray behind them! Spray behind couches and furniture. Don’t forget the headboard of your bed too! 

In short, spray everywhere you can think of. Premo Guard Mite Spray is made to be used often and can (and should) be used daily. It is gentle on fabric and things, yet DEADLY to mites!  

Check out our blog for this article: 5 more hiding places bed bugs and mites hide.

Instructions for Using Premo Laundry Additive:

Shake well before using.

Use Premo Guard Laundry Additive in your washing machine.  Use with your favorite laundry detergent, or separately if you wish. 

Transfer bedding and clothes in a sealed plastic bag to your washing machine. Use 1/2 cup per load with each wash. Wash on the highest heat setting you can without ruining your clothes and bedding. Premo Laundry Additive can also be used on cold and warm settings if needed. 

For best results pour Premo Laundry Additive into the washing machine and let soak into items before starting the wash cycle.  

When done, dry at the highest heat setting you can use without ruining your items.  

For bed bugs, mites, lice and fleas, wash daily until you do not see any more bugs or feel any more bites.  Premo Laundry additive is best used in conjunction with Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Spray, or Premo Guard Mite Spray.

NOTE: For treatment of dust mites, use weekly or whenever you change or wash your bedding.  

Note: do not wash "dry clean only" items.  See bottle for more instructions and information

Premo SleepGuard directions.  

Shake well before using.  Before going to bed, lightly spray on fabric, clothing, bedding, etc. to keep pests such as bed bugs, mites, lice and fleas away.  

Spray on and around bed to form a barrier to repel pests.  Avoid contact with eyes.  Reapply as needed.  

Can be used as a repellent for outdoor activities such as hiking, hunting, fishing etc.  

Premo Pet Spray Instructions:


Product is ready to use and does not need to be mixed or diluted. For indoor or outdoor use. Do not treat areas that will be in direct contact with food.  For indoor and outdoor use.

Do not use on puppies or kittens less than 12 weeks of age.  

Premo Pet Spray is made to be used two ways. During an active pest infestation, or as a preventative measure to protect your pets against Mites, fleas, lice, ticks and even bed bugs.  

When to use (normal usage): Use daily or as needed, especially when your pets go outdoors (when they come back in, or just before they come in).  

When to use (for pests): At the first sign of mites, fleas, ticks, lice, or fleas spray daily.  If you have these insects in your home, make sure you also treat your pet daily to avoid them becoming infested.  If necessary the product can be applied up to twice daily.  Let dry before allowing pet to groom themselves.

How to spray your pet: Spray evenly and lightly (a fine mist) on your pet then rub coat in the opposite direction of growth.  Spray on body, legs, belly and tail.  Spray onto hands and rub pets face and ears, avoiding the mouth, inside ears, nose and eyes.  

How to use around your home: Spray a fine mist on pet bedding, kennels, cages, pens, furniture and Flooring.  We also recommend using Premo Bed Bug & Mite Spray if your home is infested in conjunction with the pet spray eliminate these pests and keep them from getting on your pet.

See product bottle for additional instructions and precautions.  

NATURAL AND NON-TOXIC. Made from natural essential oils Premo Poultry Spray is a safe alternative to harsh chemicals like permethrin, and mite dusts. Veterinarian and farm approved. Apply directly on all poultry. 

Product is ready to use and does not need to be mixed or diluted.  For indoor or outdoor use.  Do not treat areas that will be in direct contact with food.


Treat your entire flock, pens, roosts, coops, nest boxes, and yards. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your chickens and other poultry is protected naturally and safely.

When to use:  Spray bird daily until problem is resolved, or as needed.  Spray pens and coops daily until no more mites are seen or felt.  It is recommended to apply at night when chickens and other birds go to roost.

How to apply to a bird:  Shake well before use.  Remove food and water, leave birds in cage.  Spray lightly onto bird from 12-18 inches away, avoiding eyes and face. 

How to use in housing areas:  Wash areas with hot water.  Shake well before use. Thoroughly spray enclosures and all surfaces including nest boxes, floors, roosts, runs, etc.

See label on bottle for first aid and precautionary statements.

You can order or reorder Premo Guard Products below.  

Thank you for your purchase.