Pest control companies

Add incremental income to 

your business...

...and Help Your Clients Get  

Their Peace-Of-Mind Back!

Offering Premo Guard Bed Bug Spray to your clients is a proven way to enhance your business.  

Premo offers both wholesale plans and drop shipping for your convenience.

• Provide your customers some psychological relief 
• Protect them against future infestations 
• AND provide additional incremental income to your bottom line (with repeat business?) 

Win! Win! Win! 

Premo Guard Bed Bug Spray is an eco-friendly bed bug product that can provide your customers peace of mind. The formula has been independently tested by University of Florida Entomologists (ask for the results) to be 100% effective.

Learn more.  Use the contact form and we will promptly send you a quote!

Contact us for a quote



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