Please note: we do not ship to PO Boxes, only physical (street) addresses.

Question: How do I use Premo Guard Bed Bug Lice and Mite Spray?

Answer:  Follow these simple and common sense steps:

1. Always shake well before using to mix the ingredients. 
Tip: For best results shake bottle a few times during application to keep the         product mixed.
2. Spray in areas where you’ve had bed bug or mite sightings.
3. Spray in areas they’re most likely to hide or lay eggs like carpets, beddings, furniture, baseboards and any pile of clutter in the house.
4. Do not oversaturate an area. A light mist works best.
5. Spray daily until you do not see any more bed bugs or mites, or feel anymore bites.
Tip: Our customers report that continuing to spray every few days after no more sightings or bites end for added safety against recurrence. 

Simple Steps for Using Premo Bed Bug & Mite Spray

Step 1: Preparation - Transfer linens, mattress covers, and clothing in a garbage bag to a tumble dryer. If care labels allow, dry on the highest setting (140 F) for 30 minutes to kill existing bed bugs.

Step 2: Treat Bedding - Disassemble bed, and thoroughly vacuum all six sides of box springs, mattress and bed components. Vacuum furniture, carpets and floors. Spray all sides of the bed frame and headboard, all edges and seams of the mattress and box spring, any edge, corner joint, creases, nooks and cranny.

Tip: Enclose mattress and box springs in encasements to prevent bed bug entry and exit. Do not remove encasements.

Step 3: Treat Surrounding Areas - Thoroughly spray the surrounding area including nightstand, chairs and sofas, curtains, baseboard, crown moldings, carpet edges, all cracks and crevices. 

Step 4: Treat Multiple Times. Bed Bugs, Mites and Lice are very good at hiding.  Often times, missing one bug or egg can end in a recurrence (they multiply quickly).  To avoid a recurrence, we suggest that you repeat steps 2 and 3 multiple times, or best yet daily.  From experience and customer feedback (and 5 star reviews) we know that spraying daily until you do not see any more bugs, or feel anymore bites is the best way to insure that bed bugs and mites do not come back.  Our customers also tell us that even after they see no activity of feel any bites, they continue to spray every few days just "to be safe".  

Bonus Tip: Add a quarter cup (2 ounces) of Premo Guard to your washing machine when doing laundry to kills bed bugs & mites (especially their eggs)

If you need additional bottles of Premo Guard Bed Bug, Mite and Lice Killer, click here (128 oz bottle) and click here (24 oz bottle).

Question: How Do I Prevent bed bugs & Mites:

  • Avoid buying secondhand mattresses or couches. Think twice whether saving a few dollars is worth the risk bringing bed bugs into your home.
  • Keep your house clean and clutter free because bed bugs love dust and clutter.
  • Seal any cracks on the wall, sockets, baseboards or anywhere bed bugs can hide.
  • If you must use the laundromat, make sure the facilities are clean. Although bed bugs will not survive an entire wash cycle, they might hitch a ride on items you’re not washing – like your bag, shoes or clothes your wearing.
  • Prior to travel, spray luggage and allow to dry completely. Pack clothing and personal effects in sealable plastic bags
  • After checking into a hotel, pull back the sheets back and check the along the seams of the mattress for bed bug feces
  • After returning home, unpack luggage outside, or in a garage, laundry room or utility room. Leave luggage in garage, laundry or utility room


Question: Do you offer a money back guarantee? 

Answer: Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Killer offers an industry leading 90 DAY Money Back Guarantee.  Due to our customer's success at killing bed bugs and mites, we happily increased our guarantee from 30 days to 90 days.  No strings attached.  No questions asked.  Use Premo Guard with confidence!  

Question: Since this is safe and kills lice, can it be sprayed into hair roots to treat/kill hair lice also?

Answer: The product is safe to use around children and pets; however, it is formulated to be sprayed on materials, bedding, furniture, cloths, hats, backpacks, etc. The spray has not been designed for spraying directly onto human skin or pets fur.


Question: Where is this product manufactured?

Answer: Premo Natural Products are formulated and manufactured 100% in the USA.  We are a U.S. Company.  


Question: Bird mites are listed for treatment. Will this work? 

Answer: It covers just about all crawling insects, It should kill all types of mites. Many of our customers have used Premo Guard for Bird Mites, dust mites, scabies, straw itch mites and more.  You will see many reviews on our product pages for mites.  


Question: How often should I spray to kill bird mites?

Answer: Depending on the infestation, for example, a heavy infestation it is recommended to spray every couple of days. Lighter infestation and maintenance treatments, spray once per week.


Question: Can Premo Guard be used in other ways?   

Answer: You can use Premo Guard in your washing machine as a laundry additive.  In addition to your laundry detergent, you can add a quarter cup of Premo Guard to each washer load as well.   


Question: How do you treat linoleum flooring

Answer: You can either spray directly onto the floor and wipe up just like a regular cleaning product, spray where you think the bugs may be hiding such as cracks, baseboards, joints, holes, etc. and let soak in. You can also use our Premo Bed Bug, Mite & Lice Killer as a general house and garden cleaning product. Mix approximately 1/2 a cup in a wash bucket for general mopping and cleaning.


Question: If you spray it in the yard where pets get mites, etc. -- will it kill them?

Answer: Yes it can be used outside to kill mites, etc.  We suggest our 128 ounce size with its spray nozzle.  


Question: Is this safe to spray on electronics? (TV remote, radio etc.)

Answer: We spayed on and in my desktop computer as well as the underside of my coffee maker. Didn't cause any problems.  It is still a liquid spray so be careful, and only spray if you are sure there are bed bugs, mites or lice there (just to be safe, and we cannot guarantee that electronics will not be affected of course)


Question: How often should i spray for lice? Also, how long would it take to get rid of the lice?

Answer: Using BED, LICE & MITE KILLER SPRAY is fast acting for 24 hours. 


Question: Will this product kill scabies mites? 

Answer: Yes our product will kill the scabies mites if used as directed. We have many happy customers who have successfully treated mite infestations. 


Question: Will this kill the mites from scabies? I'm looking for something to spray on my furniture.

Answer: Yes, our Premo Spray will kill all kinds of mites, including the ones that result in scabies. You can for sure spray on your furniture, just remember only to apply a fine mist, do not saturate. Also, just to be safe, always test on an inconspicuous spot to ensue color fastness.


Question: will this work to kill bed bugs on leather shoes?

Answer: Yes, it will kill bed bugs anywhere.


Question: Will this kill bird mites?

Answer: Yes, Premo Guard Bed Bug, Mite and Lice Spray kills all types of mites including bird mites on contact.  


Question: What are the ingredients?

Answer: The Premo Guard Bed Bug and Mite spray is all natural; Active Ingredients- sodium lauryl sulfate 3%, sodium chloride 1%, citric acid 0.2%. Other Ingredients - water, urea, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.

Our spray has been approved as a natural product and has therefore been exempt from registration with the EPA under the Federal Insecticide Act (FIFRA). see less

Question: Where can I find safety information about Premo Guard? 

Answer: A link to our material data sheet can be found here. This also includes information about what to do if you ingest or get Premo on your skin. 


Question: does this product has a strong smell?

Answer: Very little smell. Spray. Leave the room for a couple minutes, let it settle.


Question: Does it work on psocids/ book lice (I believe that's what they are)? It's in my bathtub so is the spray safe to go in there and down drain?

Answer:  Yes our Premo Bed Bug, Lice and Mite Spray will be effective in treating the booklice. The spray is natural and non-toxic, so it will be fine to go down the drain.


Question: Can I get a gallon of it?

Answer: Yes.  We offer a 128 ounce size for larger bed bug, lice or mite infestations.


Question: What are the actual natural ingredients used?

Answer: Natural ingredients are listed and can be seen in listing images. Main active ingredient is Citric Acid


Question: I meant does this work for rat mites?

Answer: It should also be effective on rat mites. Similar insects like mites all have similar physiology, which includes the physiology and biochemistry of their organ systems.


Question: Is this product effective at killing dust mites?

Answer: Yes, our Premo Bed Bug, Lice and Mite Killer Spray is definitely effective at killing dust mites. Many of our customers have been very happy with the results when using our bug spray against dust mites. In fact, our mite spray has the Amazon Choice Badge for "dust mite killer spray".


Question: Can you spray the bed and lay on it or go to bed immediately after?

Answer: When spraying you only need to spray a light mist, let it air dry for about 30 min before going to bed. Make sure you spray the box spring as well including any crevasses and folds where the bugs might hide. It’s also good to treat headboards, baseboards, and all cracks and other little hiding spots.


Question: Does this spray kill scabies?

Answer: Our Premo spray is effective on killing many different types of insects, including mites. Since scabies are tiny mites called Sarcoptic scabies our spray has proven effective in killing the mites on bedding, mattresses, clothing etc.


Question: Is this effective against Carpet bugs?

Answer: Yes our Premo Bug Spray is effective against Carpet Bugs.


Question: Do I have to spray clothes from bugs and how long I have to leave it with the spray on it before doing the Laundry

Answer: Yes, you can spray on clothes for double treatment, it is not necessary, however. It is recommended you let the clothes soak in the laundry machine with the added Bed Bug spray liquid for 10-15 minutes. Then wash normally.


Question: Does it work on fleas?

Answer: Yes, we have customers who have had good success treating fleas.


Question: Can this product be sprayed onto Hotel bedding prior to use?

Answer: Yes it definitely can. Only a light misting is required, it should dry quickly. You should also spray around the edges of the headboard.


Question: Can Premo be used weekly or bi-weekly as a preventative? We just got rid of a infestation, bought a new bed, sofa and want to prevent any return

Answer: Yes.  Premo Guard Non Toxic Bed Bug, Lice and Mite Killer can be used for prevention if sprayed often.  Many of our customers purchase our product and take it with them when traveling to spray hotel rooms and other places.  You can purchase an additional bottle of Premo Guard Bed Bug Spray here


Question: How well does this work to get rid of bed bugs? We had a few stowaways from our last vacation, and I want them gone now!!!!

Answer: It has been proven to work.  See this report from University of Florida here as proof


Question: Can Premo Guard also be used as a laundry additive?  How much do I use?

Answer: Yes.  Premo Guard is also effective to use in your washing machine.  It is effective for killing bed bugs, nymphs and eggs, AND it is non-toxic and safe to use.  You can simply add 1/4 cup of Premo Guard to each load in your washer.  

Kill bed bugs & Mites with Premo Guard

Question: How do I use Premo Guard Bed Bug, Lice and Mite Spray?

  1. Always shake well before using. 
  2. Spray in areas where you’ve had bed bug sightings. 
  3. Spray in areas they’re most likely to hide or lay eggs. like carpets, beddings, furniture, baseboards and any pile of clutter in the house. 
  4. Do not oversaturate an area. A light mist works best. 

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