Thank you for your product. Currently fighting the battle in my fourth week. Vacuuming every other day and move as much furniture as possible. Finding that if the heat is raised to 73 degrees, then shut off the heat, spray Primo Bed Bug and Mite killer in one room and then close off that room until it dries for several hours, it’s less strong scented when vacuuming in that room the next day.
Reviewing later on will be more accurate.
A pest control company was hired about five months treating the outside of this home. Recently They’ve come inside twice within the past month to treat the inside. Then they decided to cancel my subscription.
A mouse probably died in the cellar. Many kinds of different bugs are noticeable compared to in the past as the counters are wiped each day with Clorox Wipes.
I’m not sure if the itsy bitsy spots on arms and trunk of bodies are bug bites or if there is actually something living in the skin. This has started five or six weeks and upper backs are quite itchy, which could be current bites or could be residual it after the bug fell off or possibly the bug(s) could still be in the skin.
If you have any tips, they would be appreciated. Currently usin Borax, sent free detergent, hot water, hot dryer setting, on all the clothes and bedding daily, but thinking it is just time to start using bleach as the doctor said yesterday. At this point, At this point, clothes get ruined by bleach is the least of the concern.