News: Rico the Rooster Approves Premo Poultry Spray and we could not be happier!

Who doesn't love it when your rooster approves and endorses Premo Guard Poultry Spray?  We do!  And you will too.  Here's what Rico the Bantam Rooster says:

"Hi I’m Rico the Rooster with a little reminder. with the warmer weather coming, mite and lice season is coming too (especially those scaly leg mites).  Ewww.  But chicken keepers new  and old trust Premo Guard to keep their flock happy and healthy and pest free. It’s all natural, and Rico approved! and there is NO egg withdrawal period.  Woo hoo”  

Use Premo Poultry Spray directly on your flock to safely (it's natural and non-toxic) kill any mites, lice, fleas, ticks that warm weather brings your way.  Use Premo Poultry Spray as a preventative in your coop, nesting boxes and bars, etc to keep these biting pests away from the girls.


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