Jim G.
Premo Guard
April 29,2022
Article Summary:
Premo Guard's Co-Founder, Jim "testifies" about...
- Getting bed bugs at a Disney area hotel.
- The anxiety he feels almost daily about getting bed bugs again, (yes Post Bed Bug Anxiety is a real thing.)
- How he was horrified how little he could do about using toxic and harmful chemicals to get rid of his infestation, which is what caused him to start a company that sold a non-toxic bed bug spray.
- In part two of this article Jim provides his travel tips for how reduce bed bug anxiety and never get bed bugs again.
Post Bed Bug Anxiety is Real
Post bed bug anxiety is real. This is Jim, one of the owners of Premo Guard. I started this company after I picked up bed bugs at a Disney area hotel (But more about that later.)
Tell me if this sounds like you after you had bed bugs?
• You see a black speck of fluff on your bed and your immediate reaction is, “What the heck is that?”
• You get itchy at night when you get into bed and you immediately rip the covers off and inspect?
• Traveling causes anxiety and you tear apart the beds in hotels looking for signs of bed bugs?
If any of the above resonated with you, then you may be suffering from Post Bed Bug Anxiety.
And yes, Post Bed Bug Anxiety is a thing. It makes my heart race any time I see something that reminds me of a bed bug. And I am always on the lookout, no matter where I go… whether it’s a hotel, a friend’s house, even a movie theater.
Frankly I am terrified of getting bed bugs again. It was a pure nightmare. And as I mentioned... (continued below picture)
This looked like a bed bug until enlarged the picture on my phone...

“If you are like me, after you have had a bed bug infestation, everywhere you look, you think you see bed bugs. That is "Post Bed Bug Anxiety”
My Bed bug Story Continues...
As I had mentioned above, I started Premo Guard after getting Bed Bugs at a hotel near Disney. A good hotel mind you! The kind of high-end resort hotel that comes has multiple restaurants, room service, and a lazy river for the kid and I to play in.
Why we created Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Spray?
Once I found out I brought home bed bugs, the last thing I wanted to do is spray my bed and my home with chemicals and pesticides. You know… toxic poisons!
But that is exactly what I wanted to avoid, but wound up doing. And I paid a ton too to have the exterminator spray harmful stuff to get rid of the bed bugs.
It’s funny but I learned after the fact that the stuff the exterminator sprayed (pyrethrin), some species of bed bugs are even immune to. I could have spent thousands, contaminated my family with poisons and still had bed bugs. Ugh!
So, I got together with a friend, we hired an Entomologist and Chemist and Premo Guard was created. The formula had to be non-toxic, safe around kids and pets, and that is exactly what we created…
The Premo formula is made of enzymes that eat through the outer shell (exoskeleton) of the bed bug and kills them from inside out.
And then we had it tested on live bed bugs by an Entomology Department at a leading university!
The test went perfect. The report came back, “100% bed bug kill rate within one minute”. I will post a link to the study below for you.
Back to Post Bed Bug Anxiety…
So, what do I do now when I travel? I am paranoid for sure. But I also bring bed bug protection with me, so I never get bed bugs again. (Story continues below pictures)
Bed bug protection products before and after you travel
(think of it as travel insurance)
Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Spray, 24 Oz
Take this Premo Bed Bug Spray with you on a car trip. Spray your hotel room. Then Spray your luggage before you leave. Non-Toxic, Safe around kids and Pets. Stain and Odor Free. Full Money Back Guarantee. Learn more here.
Premo Guard Travel Size Bed Bug Spray
Pop a few of these Premo 3 Ounce Bed Bugs Travel Sprays in your carry on bag when you fly. 3 Oz size is fully compliant with TSA rules. Spray your hotel room. Then Spray your luggage before you leave. Non-Toxic, Safe around kids and Pets. Stain and Odor Free. Full Money Back Guarantee. (special, buy 2 of the travel sprays, get one free, learn more)
Premo Laundry Additive
When you get home from your trip wash your clothing in Premo Laundry Additive, just 1/2 cup per load will kill any bed bugs, their larvae and eggs hiding in your vacation clothes.
"The Premo formula is made of enzymes that eat through the outer shell (exoskeleton) of the bed bug and kills them from inside out.
And then we had it tested on live bed bugs by an Entomology Department at a leading university!
The test went perfect. The report came back, “100% bed bug kill rate within one minute”
Jim’s Tips For Relieving Post Bed Bug Anxiety…
(and how to never get bed bugs again)
1. Wherever I go I learned how to do an inspection for bed bugs. I leave my luggage in the tub in the bathroom at hotels, while I inspect the room (it's the least likely place bed bugs are).
2. I look everywhere in the room. I pull off sheets, pillowcases, look in night tables, under lamps… everywhere bed bugs can hide, I look.
3. Bed bugs are small, so my phone is my best friend. If a dark color speck somewhere looks suspicious, out comes my iPhone and the flashlight comes on to inspect. Since my vision isn’t perfect, I use my phone camera to take pictures and then enlarge the picture for a closer look (see picture).
4. If nothing looks suspicious, I spray down the bed, mattresses, and surrounding area with Premo Guard Bed Bug & Mite Spray. We have two different sizes, a 3 ounce travel size that meets TSA requirements to go on a plane (you can take a few with you). And if I am taking a car, I will take one of our 24-ounce bottles of Premo Guard.
5. Once I am done spraying and Premo Guard dries (about 20 minutes), I can get into bed and sleep without worry.
6. Before I leave my hotel, bag up my clothes in a garbage bag I bring with me, and spray my luggage inside and outside (you can also spray your clothes as you bag them up)
7. When I return home, I give the outside of my luggage another spray then take the bagged clothes to the wash. I use 1/2 cup of Premo Laundry Additive per wash load to make sure I have killed all potential hitchhiking bed bugs, their eggs and larvae dead!
NOTE: I will post links to the products we created below. I will also post a link to a more in-depth article about how to do a bed bug check at your next hotel or motel.