Heather Levin's Weekly Chicken Chat ft. Premo Poultry Spray

Spring is here, and with it comes one of the biggest challenges for backyard chicken keepers—pests! Mites, fleas, ticks, and lice can wreak havoc on your flock, making them uncomfortable and even impacting their health.

That’s why we’re thrilled to share this guest post from Heather Levin—a homesteader, herbalist, and Chicken Mama to 30+ birds. She’s also the founder of Chicken Health Academy and runs the annual Backyard Chicken Summit, an online learning resource that teaches backyard chicken keepers how to care for their flocks naturally and handle emergencies with confidence.

As a long-time chicken keeper, Heather has spent years learning how to raise healthy flocks, In this post, she shares her firsthand experience dealing with mites and fleas and why she trusts Premo Guard Poultry Spray to protect her birds.




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Weekly Chicken Chat by Heather

Spring is here...which means that soon enough, the bugs will be out in full force.

Here in Tennessee, we're already there. The ticks are already terrible this year because we had such a mild winter (AGAIN), and I have no reason to believe the rest of the summer pests will be any different.

It's going to be a bad year for bugs! For us...and our chickens.

If you've ever struggled with lice, mites, fleas, or ticks in your flock then you know how frustrating it is. And for our poor birds, those pests can make them downright miserable.

The challenge is that these bugs, mites especially, can be challenging to get rid of. And I'm so happy to tell you about PremoGuard...who make an all-natural poultry spray for lice, mites, fleas, and ticks. 

And, keep reading because we're doing a wonderful giveaway with PremoGuard...just for summit attendees! 

An All-Natural Spray for Mites, Fleas, and Ticks

Premo-Guard is an all-natural, made in the USA spray for mites (including scaly leg mites), fleas, ticks, and lice that is safe for your birds, requires no egg withdrawal period, and actually works.

They also make an all-natural spray for dogs and cats as well.

The main ingredient in the spray is clove oil which, like cedarwood oil, works by dissolving the exoskeleton of the fleas, ticks, lice, and mites. 

I even found a 2016 study showing that, out of 10 essential oils tested by researchers, clove oil was the most toxic to arthropods (like mites and fleas.) 

We live in TN, which means we have BUGS. Lots of them. And a couple years ago Rio, and the barn cats came down with some serious fleas, out of nowhere, and I got some great pictures. I used Premo-Guard on them several times, and the results were amazing. It stopped the fleas in their tracks.

How Premo Guard Worked on Rio, Sora, and Rocket

When we spotted the fleas on Rio, our scrappy Patterdale Terrier, I immediately enlisted my husband's help for the spray-down.

As you can see, Rio was very sad he had to go through the indignity of being sprayed down. Poor boy. 😿

But don't worry...he did get some treats afterword for being such a good boy while we sprayed him down! 

The spray killed the fleas so quickly I was able to get some great close-ups of them.

The same thing happened when we sprayed down the barn cats, Sora and Rocket. The fleas just DIED.

Ok...so looking at fleas close up might not be something you love doing (I sure don't.) But, I couldn't believe how fast Premo-Guard worked.

And, Rio and the cats suffered no side effects from the spray, other than being disgruntled at being wet. It's completely natural, so I didn't worry about the spray affecting them.

Will it work on chickens?

100% yes. I have a huge bottle of the Poultry Spray here so I'm ready if I see signs on any of my birds. And I'm fully expecting to have to use it again this year.

That said, you can use Premo-Guard Poultry Spray on your chickens, along with the roost poles, nesting boxes, and coop walls if you have an infestation. And because it's all-natural, there's no withdrawal period. Yay for that!


Keeping your flock safe from mites, fleas, and ticks doesn’t have to be a losing battle. As Heather shared, Premo Guard Poultry Spray is an easy, effective, and all-natural way to protect your chickens—without the need for harsh chemicals or egg withdrawal periods.

As a special thank-you to Heather’s readers, we’re offering an exclusive 15% OFF discount on your Premo Guard order! Use code "HEATHER15" at checkout to give your flock the all-natural protection they deserve.



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